Science: Sink or Float?
Materials: pumpkins of different shapes and sizes, tub of water, chart paper, marker, “Will It Sink or Float?” online skill sheet
- This simple experiment gives children the opportunity to make and test a hypothesis.
- Ask children what they think will happen if you put a pumpkin in water. Will it sink? That means it falls to the bottom. Or will it float? That means it stays at the top. Askwhy they think that will happen. Have themrecord their predictions on the skill sheet.
- Now put their predictions to the test. Put a small pumpkin in water. It will float! Do children think the same thing will happen with bigger pumpkins? Try it out with
- pumpkins of different sizes and shapes. Explain that pumpkins float because they have mostly air on the inside. No matter how big a pumpkin is, it will always float in water. experiment