Materials: construction paper (black, white, light blue or gray, orange), two trays, glue sticks, googly eyes, scissors
- Use collage art to make an abstract penguin!
- In advance, cut orange construction paper into small triangles to make beaks. Children can help you with the rest of the prep! Have children tear white paper into small pieces, and place them into one tray. Have them do the same with black paper, and place those pieces in the other tray.
- Give students a sheet of blue or gray paper for the background. Guide them as they assemble their penguins, placing the white paper near the center of the page and the black paper near the outer edges. Then have them glue the pieces down. Finally, have children glue a beak and googly eyes near the top of the penguin, making sure the beak is below the eyes.
- For added fun, glue smaller pieces of paper to the background to create falling snow! art/fine-motor skills