Materials: different color apples (e.g., red, yellow, green), markers to match apple colors, paint to match apple colors, knife, plates, chart paper
- This apple taste test activity brings together color matching, graphing, and exploration.
- To prepare, cut apples and group them by color. Label each color of apple using a marker with a matching color. Then, make a graph with a column for each apple color, labeling each column with the color in matching marker color. Set up “apple stamps” next to the graph by putting out plates with paint and an apple cut in half vertically next to its matching paint color.
- Have children taste the apples. Talk about which color apple they liked best. Then have them mark their favorite color apple on the chart using that color apple stamp.
- When everyone has had a turn marking their favorite, discuss the completed chart. Count how many stamps are in each column. Ask which one has the most stamps. That is the one the most students liked the best! graphing/exploration