Water Safety Pledge
Materials: paper plate, red paint, paintbrush, printed photo of each child, glue stick, black marker, Water Safety Pledge skill sheet
- This adorable life buoy craft reminds kids to stay water safe this summer.
- Give each child a paper plate, a small circular photo of themselves, a paintbrush, red paint, and a glue stick.
- Have each child paint a red X on the bottom side of their plate. Then have them glue their photo to the center of the X. Set the plates out to dry.
- Then have children cut out the Water Safety Pledge. Talk about each of the safety promises on it. Children can mark each sentence with an X as they promise to follow all the water safety rules. When the plates dry, they can glue the pledge to the inside of the plate. Send the plates home with them so their grown-ups can see all the ways they can stay water safe. fine-motor skills/safety