Materials: sentence strips, paintbrushes, gray construction paper, gray paint, tape or glue, Shark Fin template skill sheet
- Turn your class into a shiver of sharks with this easy craft!
- To prepare, cut out the shark fin from the Shark Fin template skill sheet, being sure to include the tabs.
- Have each child paint a sentence strip gray. While the paint dries, guide children as they trace the shark fin template onto a piece of gray construction paper. Then have them cut their fin from the construction paper.
- Once the sentence strips have dried, wrap each child’s sentence strip around their head to create a headband. Use tape to secure the ends. Then attach the fin by folding the tabs in and taping them to the inside of the headband.
- Have children wear their headbands while acting out the issue, doing the Dance Break, or just playing shark in the classroom! fine-motor skills